Technical Solutions

Disposable PPE Product technology

1mm Hairnets & Beard Snoods manufacturer

Add Time 2023-02-27 16:46:03

1mm Hairnets & Beard Snoods manufacturer

a premium 1mm mesh size and incorporating yarn to give an antibacterial shield effect.


Our industry leading, lay flat double elastic headband, distributes pressure evenly to avoid skin indentation and discomfort; whilst the excellent quality elastic will ensure hair is secure, reducing the occurrence of protruding wisps.

a highly advanced fibre, using biogenic silver ions to inhibit the growth of gram positive and gram negative bacteria, which are active toward the food industry hazard, Staphylococcous Aureus.  In addition, Siltex has high moisture transportation and wicking properties; ultimately, keeping operatives cooler and more comfortable and less prone to touching and adjusting headwear.

Hairnets should be worn as stated in our ‘How to Wear’ guides for optimum comfort and security.


    +86 13761963296


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